1 00:00:10,519 --> 00:00:18,198 quiet as we get closer to seven it gets 2 00:00:12,759 --> 00:00:19,679 quiet oh all right first uh before I uh 3 00:00:18,199 --> 00:00:22,800 call the meeting in order I just want to 4 00:00:19,679 --> 00:00:24,599 say a couple things um I want to welcome 5 00:00:22,800 --> 00:00:29,719 the new 6 00:00:24,599 --> 00:00:30,679 trustees and uh I want to say uh Terry 7 00:00:29,719 --> 00:00:33,519 and 8 00:00:30,678 --> 00:00:37,519 Pam Jennifer 9 00:00:33,520 --> 00:00:41,000 residents and people webcast in uh be 10 00:00:37,520 --> 00:00:42,280 patient with us we're we're learning and 11 00:00:41,000 --> 00:00:44,920 we'll get 12 00:00:42,280 --> 00:00:47,679 there I also want to thank you for this 13 00:00:44,920 --> 00:00:49,840 opportunity to serve as your supervisor 14 00:00:47,679 --> 00:00:52,198 and 15 00:00:49,840 --> 00:00:55,120 uh I want you to know the main reason 16 00:00:52,198 --> 00:01:00,079 I'm here is uh because I love this 17 00:00:55,119 --> 00:01:02,198 Township that's really why I'm here 18 00:01:00,079 --> 00:01:04,799 and I 19 00:01:02,198 --> 00:01:08,478 uh I think that's why uh the board 20 00:01:04,799 --> 00:01:10,400 members are here yeah you love this town 21 00:01:08,478 --> 00:01:14,158 residents I I think that's why you're 22 00:01:10,400 --> 00:01:17,680 all here too you you love this 23 00:01:14,159 --> 00:01:17,680 Township and 24 00:01:17,799 --> 00:01:25,200 uh I think we can all agree on that one 25 00:01:20,719 --> 00:01:25,200 item we love this Township 26 00:01:25,359 --> 00:01:32,640 right so 27 00:01:28,560 --> 00:01:35,719 uh I got ask that you uh agree and 28 00:01:32,640 --> 00:01:38,239 disagree respectfully For the Love of 29 00:01:35,719 --> 00:01:41,840 this Township from here on 30 00:01:38,239 --> 00:01:45,199 out so with that I will call the meeting 31 00:01:41,840 --> 00:01:45,200 in order and we'll do the Pledge of 32 00:01:48,478 --> 00:01:54,718 Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag 33 00:01:51,920 --> 00:01:57,640 of the United States of America and to 34 00:01:54,718 --> 00:02:01,879 the Republic for which it stands one 35 00:01:57,640 --> 00:02:04,560 nation under God isible with liy and 36 00:02:01,879 --> 00:02:04,560 justice for 37 00:02:05,319 --> 00:02:09,598 all all 38 00:02:07,079 --> 00:02:12,598 right 39 00:02:09,598 --> 00:02:12,598 Terry 40 00:02:13,680 --> 00:02:22,719 call see zba we went over 41 00:02:18,159 --> 00:02:26,479 there Greg KS here Jennifer Eden here 42 00:02:22,719 --> 00:02:30,959 Sarah dolman Jersey here Herman Ferguson 43 00:02:26,479 --> 00:02:33,639 here Dean HW here Chris Retta here Pam 44 00:02:30,959 --> 00:02:33,640 moer 45 00:02:34,039 --> 00:02:41,239 here all right 46 00:02:37,318 --> 00:02:45,280 um looking for approval of the 47 00:02:41,239 --> 00:02:47,360 agenda or any changes in 48 00:02:45,280 --> 00:02:50,080 additions I have some changes or 49 00:02:47,360 --> 00:02:52,560 addition i s say additions to 50 00:02:50,080 --> 00:02:57,519 propose uh all right 51 00:02:52,560 --> 00:02:59,439 Chris uh so um I'd like to propose the 52 00:02:57,519 --> 00:03:02,158 following and I'll Terry if you don't 53 00:02:59,439 --> 00:03:06,840 have a this can give it to you uh in 54 00:03:02,158 --> 00:03:09,679 writing as well but um the uh to discuss 55 00:03:06,840 --> 00:03:12,200 establishing some a new meeting format 56 00:03:09,680 --> 00:03:14,040 with some new ideas around public 57 00:03:12,199 --> 00:03:17,158 comment time and things of that nature 58 00:03:14,039 --> 00:03:19,798 that's one one of them I'd also like to 59 00:03:17,158 --> 00:03:22,479 discuss um in addition to the other 60 00:03:19,799 --> 00:03:24,599 items that are on the agenda today uh 61 00:03:22,479 --> 00:03:26,719 some additional Planning Commission 62 00:03:24,598 --> 00:03:29,199 directives um from the board to the 63 00:03:26,719 --> 00:03:31,719 Planning Commission uh I'd also like to 64 00:03:29,199 --> 00:03:33,399 discuss uh opening up the township 65 00:03:31,719 --> 00:03:37,000 residence with other legal and 66 00:03:33,400 --> 00:03:39,840 engineering firms to consider that and 67 00:03:37,000 --> 00:03:42,759 uh I have uh an addition additional one 68 00:03:39,840 --> 00:03:45,640 here to uh which says call for a line 69 00:03:42,759 --> 00:03:47,878 item a line item level review of the 70 00:03:45,639 --> 00:03:50,359 budget uh which is much more detailed 71 00:03:47,878 --> 00:03:53,039 than what we normally get and uh in my 72 00:03:50,360 --> 00:03:55,760 discussions Greg with you I think an an 73 00:03:53,039 --> 00:03:58,560 electronic copy that we can study uh and 74 00:03:55,759 --> 00:04:00,359 whatnot we'll be just fine and um 75 00:03:58,560 --> 00:04:02,239 somebody to contact for questions and 76 00:04:00,360 --> 00:04:03,720 whatnot since I know that's a very 77 00:04:02,239 --> 00:04:06,039 lengthy thing to go through we don't 78 00:04:03,719 --> 00:04:09,000 have to necessarily do it here but uh 79 00:04:06,039 --> 00:04:11,719 and I'd also uh like to add an item to 80 00:04:09,000 --> 00:04:14,400 discuss setting up a date for a board 81 00:04:11,719 --> 00:04:16,439 workshop and uh we have a bunch of uh 82 00:04:14,400 --> 00:04:18,160 detailed things that we don't 83 00:04:16,439 --> 00:04:20,399 necessarily have to cover here in this 84 00:04:18,160 --> 00:04:22,840 meeting but a workshop with the public 85 00:04:20,399 --> 00:04:25,359 invited of course would be uh a very 86 00:04:22,839 --> 00:04:28,359 helpful thing because we have a lot to 87 00:04:25,360 --> 00:04:30,840 uh to move forward are there any of the 88 00:04:28,360 --> 00:04:33,479 any uh questions about any of those 89 00:04:30,839 --> 00:04:35,439 items that I can clarify with any 90 00:04:33,478 --> 00:04:38,319 detail 91 00:04:35,439 --> 00:04:40,079 so all these items are are really just 92 00:04:38,319 --> 00:04:43,279 items we're going to talk about nothing 93 00:04:40,079 --> 00:04:45,038 we we are going to act upon tonight well 94 00:04:43,279 --> 00:04:46,879 we can act upon uh the Planning 95 00:04:45,038 --> 00:04:48,719 Commission directives for example those 96 00:04:46,879 --> 00:04:51,759 are those are things we can we can 97 00:04:48,720 --> 00:04:53,800 certainly uh act upon um we can act upon 98 00:04:51,759 --> 00:04:56,840 any of the items that we feel so moved 99 00:04:53,800 --> 00:04:56,840 and an agreement to do 100 00:04:57,319 --> 00:05:02,240 that and the and the workshop obviously 101 00:05:00,120 --> 00:05:05,120 is is not to Workshop here during this 102 00:05:02,240 --> 00:05:08,079 meeting it's to establish a date for a 103 00:05:05,120 --> 00:05:11,280 workshop with a suggestion of items that 104 00:05:08,079 --> 00:05:14,959 we can expand or contract on at that 105 00:05:11,279 --> 00:05:18,239 Workshop you're you're looking at having 106 00:05:14,959 --> 00:05:21,918 uh separate work workshops of the board 107 00:05:18,240 --> 00:05:23,600 meeting and uh those workshops would be 108 00:05:21,918 --> 00:05:26,879 used to 109 00:05:23,600 --> 00:05:29,199 discuss specific uh topics yeah you want 110 00:05:26,879 --> 00:05:32,639 me to run through those the ideas that I 111 00:05:29,199 --> 00:05:36,520 have here first or uh yeah I guess you 112 00:05:32,639 --> 00:05:39,400 could quickly okay sure just brief yeah 113 00:05:36,519 --> 00:05:43,079 not a problem uh so some of the topics I 114 00:05:39,399 --> 00:05:46,519 I think that could benefit from a 115 00:05:43,079 --> 00:05:48,240 um uh a workshop could include how we're 116 00:05:46,519 --> 00:05:50,120 going to manage issues and questions 117 00:05:48,240 --> 00:05:53,280 tracking and communication because 118 00:05:50,120 --> 00:05:55,079 residents will uh allow will have issues 119 00:05:53,279 --> 00:05:56,839 and they'll give comments and questions 120 00:05:55,079 --> 00:05:58,758 we need to track those things and 121 00:05:56,839 --> 00:06:01,198 respond to those things that's a key 122 00:05:58,759 --> 00:06:03,479 thing that's been uh one of those items 123 00:06:01,199 --> 00:06:05,960 we also would uh like to talk about some 124 00:06:03,478 --> 00:06:07,800 website improvements and the ways that 125 00:06:05,959 --> 00:06:09,758 we can adjust some of the things that 126 00:06:07,800 --> 00:06:11,478 are key uh to making sure we have the 127 00:06:09,759 --> 00:06:14,840 highest level of communication 128 00:06:11,478 --> 00:06:17,199 audiovisual support has been uh it seems 129 00:06:14,839 --> 00:06:18,758 to be a challenge in in spots at uh 130 00:06:17,199 --> 00:06:20,919 during many of the meetings especially 131 00:06:18,759 --> 00:06:23,639 when bringing uh other consultants and 132 00:06:20,918 --> 00:06:26,038 whatnot in from uh zoom and other things 133 00:06:23,639 --> 00:06:27,800 so I just want to make sure that we have 134 00:06:26,038 --> 00:06:29,879 uh all the right pieces in place to 135 00:06:27,800 --> 00:06:31,840 support the meetings uh we're going 136 00:06:29,879 --> 00:06:34,439 smoothly for our residents and for us so 137 00:06:31,839 --> 00:06:37,119 they're not a distraction uh it support 138 00:06:34,439 --> 00:06:39,959 you know do we have the right uh uh 139 00:06:37,120 --> 00:06:42,319 networking capabilities Wi-Fi here in 140 00:06:39,959 --> 00:06:44,359 the in the meeting rooms and Etc where 141 00:06:42,319 --> 00:06:46,840 we meet uh there's also another one on 142 00:06:44,360 --> 00:06:48,680 here called Peg funding uh that's for 143 00:06:46,839 --> 00:06:50,478 the Fenton area cable television 144 00:06:48,680 --> 00:06:52,879 Consortium I'd like to learn more about 145 00:06:50,478 --> 00:06:55,279 that and understand and talk about it in 146 00:06:52,879 --> 00:06:56,918 a workshop uh what that funding does how 147 00:06:55,279 --> 00:06:59,119 it benefits the residents things like 148 00:06:56,918 --> 00:07:00,878 that um there's something that I also 149 00:06:59,120 --> 00:07:02,918 heard of during my campaigning called 150 00:07:00,879 --> 00:07:05,120 Community broadband internet 151 00:07:02,918 --> 00:07:06,758 availability I'm not sure where that is 152 00:07:05,120 --> 00:07:09,360 if that ever is something that's 153 00:07:06,759 --> 00:07:11,479 actually just a dream or a rumor and if 154 00:07:09,360 --> 00:07:14,439 there's anything that would be tied to 155 00:07:11,478 --> 00:07:16,279 that other things could be uh strategic 156 00:07:14,439 --> 00:07:18,240 planning discussions and I know Sarah 157 00:07:16,279 --> 00:07:20,719 has some great ideas around helping to 158 00:07:18,240 --> 00:07:23,000 lead that kind of discussion um uh 159 00:07:20,720 --> 00:07:24,840 reviews of the different departments uh 160 00:07:23,000 --> 00:07:27,680 budgeted projects I think we need to 161 00:07:24,839 --> 00:07:29,719 create transparency against hey we last 162 00:07:27,680 --> 00:07:32,240 meeting we approved two roads to be be 163 00:07:29,720 --> 00:07:34,479 paved uh where do those appear when are 164 00:07:32,240 --> 00:07:36,319 those going to get started when do we 165 00:07:34,478 --> 00:07:38,159 when do we see progress and those types 166 00:07:36,319 --> 00:07:39,919 of things so the budget stuff that we're 167 00:07:38,160 --> 00:07:41,400 committing I'd like to see a calendar 168 00:07:39,918 --> 00:07:43,120 put together but we need to Workshop 169 00:07:41,399 --> 00:07:44,839 what that would look like if possible 170 00:07:43,120 --> 00:07:46,959 and if it's something and of course 171 00:07:44,839 --> 00:07:49,359 education for the township how do we run 172 00:07:46,959 --> 00:07:51,000 meetings who are we what's a trustee all 173 00:07:49,360 --> 00:07:53,000 those kinds of things and uh to get 174 00:07:51,000 --> 00:07:54,639 people ramped up so those are just some 175 00:07:53,000 --> 00:07:57,519 of the items I think would be good for a 176 00:07:54,639 --> 00:08:00,199 workshop as an 177 00:07:57,519 --> 00:08:02,878 idea Greg I I'd like to make one change 178 00:08:00,199 --> 00:08:04,919 that if we could um under the the board 179 00:08:02,879 --> 00:08:06,199 workshops um you know one of the things 180 00:08:04,918 --> 00:08:08,799 we're looking at doing tonight is 181 00:08:06,199 --> 00:08:10,960 talking about uh the moving some stuff 182 00:08:08,800 --> 00:08:12,918 back to our Planning Commission um if we 183 00:08:10,959 --> 00:08:15,439 are going to do that um I think the 184 00:08:12,918 --> 00:08:16,959 review of the planning department um 185 00:08:15,439 --> 00:08:18,839 especially since we have two openings 186 00:08:16,959 --> 00:08:21,120 already I think that needs to proba be a 187 00:08:18,839 --> 00:08:22,519 part of a discussion for tonight um 188 00:08:21,120 --> 00:08:23,800 again what we have we don't have to 189 00:08:22,519 --> 00:08:26,000 necessarily act on it but I think we 190 00:08:23,800 --> 00:08:27,800 need to start that discussion tonight so 191 00:08:26,000 --> 00:08:30,279 that we have things in progress and in 192 00:08:27,800 --> 00:08:33,639 motion for that uh 193 00:08:30,279 --> 00:08:36,079 that uh Workshop where whether it be 194 00:08:33,639 --> 00:08:40,080 next week or the 195 00:08:36,080 --> 00:08:41,278 following so that would be item I under 196 00:08:40,080 --> 00:08:44,320 number 197 00:08:41,278 --> 00:08:46,879 10 oh so it's part of 10 it's part of 10 198 00:08:44,320 --> 00:08:48,278 I'd like to move it into the into uh our 199 00:08:46,879 --> 00:08:52,559 our discussion for 200 00:08:48,278 --> 00:08:55,120 today well instead of a for your work 201 00:08:52,559 --> 00:08:58,239 workshop I guess 202 00:08:55,120 --> 00:09:00,320 I'm I'm I'm having trouble understanding 203 00:08:58,240 --> 00:09:04,159 exactly what I what we're adding to the 204 00:09:00,320 --> 00:09:05,959 agenda planning members planning what 205 00:09:04,159 --> 00:09:10,679 what do we what are we looking I'd like 206 00:09:05,958 --> 00:09:10,679 to uh to add planning department 207 00:09:10,799 --> 00:09:17,519 review to today's 208 00:09:12,839 --> 00:09:20,440 agenda can I make a comment please 209 00:09:17,519 --> 00:09:23,120 um I think there have been a number of 210 00:09:20,440 --> 00:09:26,160 issues named already tonight that are 211 00:09:23,120 --> 00:09:31,360 very important things to 212 00:09:26,159 --> 00:09:31,360 discuss but I am uncomfortable 213 00:09:31,958 --> 00:09:36,278 coming with an agenda that has already 214 00:09:34,759 --> 00:09:38,559 been put out to the 215 00:09:36,278 --> 00:09:41,480 public and now we're talking about 216 00:09:38,559 --> 00:09:44,119 adding huge things for a discussion in 217 00:09:41,480 --> 00:09:45,879 one evening if we're going to do a 218 00:09:44,120 --> 00:09:48,679 review of the planning 219 00:09:45,879 --> 00:09:51,240 department I feel like that needs some 220 00:09:48,679 --> 00:09:53,599 forethought and some materials for us to 221 00:09:51,240 --> 00:09:55,879 go over and maybe having planning 222 00:09:53,600 --> 00:09:56,720 department people here that can answer 223 00:09:55,879 --> 00:10:00,480 our 224 00:09:56,720 --> 00:10:02,440 questions um I'm not disagree that you 225 00:10:00,480 --> 00:10:05,159 know I I think it there's value in 226 00:10:02,440 --> 00:10:06,880 reviewing that department as Chris 227 00:10:05,159 --> 00:10:08,360 mentioned with strategic planning 228 00:10:06,879 --> 00:10:12,120 there's a lot of work to be done with 229 00:10:08,360 --> 00:10:13,879 that but um you know if we have items to 230 00:10:12,120 --> 00:10:16,320 add to the agenda that are discussion 231 00:10:13,879 --> 00:10:18,078 items maybe but if there are things that 232 00:10:16,320 --> 00:10:19,680 are going to be voted on I feel like 233 00:10:18,078 --> 00:10:21,838 there needs to be information that's put 234 00:10:19,679 --> 00:10:23,759 out both to the public and to us as 235 00:10:21,839 --> 00:10:25,800 board members before we can really 236 00:10:23,759 --> 00:10:27,799 understand what it is we're voting on 237 00:10:25,799 --> 00:10:30,719 I'm I'm only representing that we bring 238 00:10:27,799 --> 00:10:33,559 it up for discussion not making any CH 239 00:10:30,720 --> 00:10:35,639 or any actual voting uh today but we 240 00:10:33,559 --> 00:10:37,439 need to start discussing discussing that 241 00:10:35,639 --> 00:10:39,639 if we're going to move this stuff back 242 00:10:37,440 --> 00:10:41,480 to the the planning department we have 243 00:10:39,639 --> 00:10:43,200 to have a department to send it back 244 00:10:41,480 --> 00:10:46,360 to 245 00:10:43,200 --> 00:10:49,160 well you'll notice almost all the items 246 00:10:46,360 --> 00:10:52,759 on our agenda are about the Planning 247 00:10:49,159 --> 00:10:55,519 Commission so we're in the process 248 00:10:52,759 --> 00:10:57,439 of putting it back together and that's 249 00:10:55,519 --> 00:10:58,720 really what tonight's meeting the main 250 00:10:57,440 --> 00:11:01,240 focus that's why I think it should be 251 00:10:58,720 --> 00:11:01,240 part of tonight's 252 00:11:01,559 --> 00:11:08,799 discussion I also want to just say about 253 00:11:04,440 --> 00:11:11,200 workshops that um I have drafted a 254 00:11:08,799 --> 00:11:13,000 proposal that I did not ask to add to 255 00:11:11,200 --> 00:11:15,440 the agenda tonight because I felt like 256 00:11:13,000 --> 00:11:17,200 the proposal should be in written form 257 00:11:15,440 --> 00:11:19,399 and includeed in the next packet if 258 00:11:17,200 --> 00:11:21,240 we're really going to go down that road 259 00:11:19,399 --> 00:11:24,039 but that proposal 260 00:11:21,240 --> 00:11:26,720 includes um involving residents and 261 00:11:24,039 --> 00:11:28,240 trying to do some research as to how 262 00:11:26,720 --> 00:11:31,680 other communities conduct their 263 00:11:28,240 --> 00:11:34,720 workshops looking at feasibility at 264 00:11:31,679 --> 00:11:36,439 format at cost at frequency and bringing 265 00:11:34,720 --> 00:11:37,959 that information back to the board so 266 00:11:36,440 --> 00:11:40,560 that we can make decisions about what 267 00:11:37,958 --> 00:11:43,799 works for our community 268 00:11:40,559 --> 00:11:46,399 um I don't I'm just expressing my own 269 00:11:43,799 --> 00:11:47,919 discomfort with scheduling a workshop 270 00:11:46,399 --> 00:11:51,000 when we really don't have a plan for 271 00:11:47,919 --> 00:11:53,879 what workshops are going to be yet 272 00:11:51,000 --> 00:11:56,078 so um I'm just putting that out there 273 00:11:53,879 --> 00:11:58,480 for consideration well we'll we'll 274 00:11:56,078 --> 00:11:59,919 discuss both those items we'll make it 275 00:11:58,480 --> 00:12:01,360 short 276 00:11:59,919 --> 00:12:05,199 and 277 00:12:01,360 --> 00:12:08,360 we'll I I I'm with you Sarah I I think 278 00:12:05,200 --> 00:12:11,639 we need to investigate other workshops 279 00:12:08,360 --> 00:12:12,680 so that we understand how to make them 280 00:12:11,639 --> 00:12:16,039 work 281 00:12:12,679 --> 00:12:16,039 to work 282 00:12:16,120 --> 00:12:22,198 efficiently so we Greg last night I 283 00:12:19,240 --> 00:12:23,879 attended F Workshop I've went to several 284 00:12:22,198 --> 00:12:26,159 but what they did is they met in the 285 00:12:23,879 --> 00:12:28,120 conference room instead of the boardroom 286 00:12:26,159 --> 00:12:31,240 they went around and they had residents 287 00:12:28,120 --> 00:12:33,919 there and they talked about adding well 288 00:12:31,240 --> 00:12:36,720 one subject they had was extending a 289 00:12:33,919 --> 00:12:38,039 pipeline water to a business because 290 00:12:36,720 --> 00:12:40,000 they have arsenic and stuff in the 291 00:12:38,039 --> 00:12:41,799 groundwater and they went and talked 292 00:12:40,000 --> 00:12:43,919 about it but what they had is they had 293 00:12:41,799 --> 00:12:45,799 the residence where they had input into 294 00:12:43,919 --> 00:12:48,039 it and I think a lot of these things 295 00:12:45,799 --> 00:12:50,359 need to be from the residents we have an 296 00:12:48,039 --> 00:12:52,198 agenda set I think we need a lot of 297 00:12:50,360 --> 00:12:54,120 these things are Workshop things because 298 00:12:52,198 --> 00:12:55,559 the residents won't be able to interact 299 00:12:54,120 --> 00:12:58,560 with us on this 300 00:12:55,559 --> 00:13:00,879 tonight and to add this many items to 301 00:12:58,559 --> 00:13:03,159 this it was tough for me to get one item 302 00:13:00,879 --> 00:13:05,159 in five years on the agenda and I'm not 303 00:13:03,159 --> 00:13:07,559 saying they're not important yeah but 304 00:13:05,159 --> 00:13:11,078 like Sarah said everybody has the agenda 305 00:13:07,559 --> 00:13:12,799 already set and now we're ex changing it 306 00:13:11,078 --> 00:13:14,479 and on this here I don't want this to 307 00:13:12,799 --> 00:13:16,599 turn into like a Planning Commission 308 00:13:14,480 --> 00:13:19,000 meeting where it goes three hours on 309 00:13:16,600 --> 00:13:21,360 this here Chris on these uh four items 310 00:13:19,000 --> 00:13:23,039 that you have you said acting on it 311 00:13:21,360 --> 00:13:24,720 tonight I don't think that would be fair 312 00:13:23,039 --> 00:13:27,240 to the citizens because they weren't 313 00:13:24,720 --> 00:13:28,560 notified in time to come here on this 314 00:13:27,240 --> 00:13:31,278 but as far as with the Planning 315 00:13:28,559 --> 00:13:33,439 Commission directive from the board what 316 00:13:31,278 --> 00:13:36,000 what do you envision on this tonight 317 00:13:33,440 --> 00:13:39,000 just a discussion well there's uh 318 00:13:36,000 --> 00:13:41,879 there's three items that uh that I'm 319 00:13:39,000 --> 00:13:44,240 proposing that we we talk about to send 320 00:13:41,879 --> 00:13:47,360 to the Planning Commission we need to uh 321 00:13:44,240 --> 00:13:49,159 one is around the master plan and the 322 00:13:47,360 --> 00:13:52,278 the fact that the master plan doesn't 323 00:13:49,159 --> 00:13:55,319 have any renewable energy section that 324 00:13:52,278 --> 00:13:57,600 was not part of what the uh the previous 325 00:13:55,320 --> 00:14:00,600 Planning Commission had put in so we 326 00:13:57,600 --> 00:14:03,680 need to address that by by talking 327 00:14:00,600 --> 00:14:05,519 about just sending that back to the to 328 00:14:03,679 --> 00:14:08,838 the for discussion at the Planning 329 00:14:05,519 --> 00:14:10,519 Commission it's uh be best discussed at 330 00:14:08,839 --> 00:14:12,560 the Planning Commission but we need to 331 00:14:10,519 --> 00:14:14,679 give them some idea second one for the 332 00:14:12,559 --> 00:14:17,518 Planning Commission is to relook at the 333 00:14:14,679 --> 00:14:19,799 solar ordinance specifically the battery 334 00:14:17,519 --> 00:14:23,240 and wind storage ordinances that were 335 00:14:19,799 --> 00:14:26,240 approved by the board uh last time say 336 00:14:23,240 --> 00:14:29,240 that outside of PA 233 the the new law 337 00:14:26,240 --> 00:14:32,360 that's now in effect right that we don't 338 00:14:29,240 --> 00:14:33,399 do anything under the minimums in PA 233 339 00:14:32,360 --> 00:14:35,440 we're not going to do anything in 340 00:14:33,399 --> 00:14:38,320 battery we're just not going to allow it 341 00:14:35,440 --> 00:14:41,160 we're going to prohibit wind under what 342 00:14:38,320 --> 00:14:44,240 those minimum megawatt uh installations 343 00:14:41,159 --> 00:14:46,519 are and we don't do that for solar so 344 00:14:44,240 --> 00:14:48,039 I'm proposing to to send that back too 345 00:14:46,519 --> 00:14:50,000 and to say have the Planning Commission 346 00:14:48,039 --> 00:14:52,319 work a little differently on the solar 347 00:14:50,000 --> 00:14:54,759 one specifically say we don't allow any 348 00:14:52,320 --> 00:14:57,839 commercial industrial for example in the 349 00:14:54,759 --> 00:15:00,079 Solar ordinance that we've passed but we 350 00:14:57,839 --> 00:15:01,920 do need to protect our residents rights 351 00:15:00,078 --> 00:15:04,159 to have solar implementations for the 352 00:15:01,919 --> 00:15:06,679 residents or for the area and what that 353 00:15:04,159 --> 00:15:09,799 looks like so I'd like to do a little 354 00:15:06,679 --> 00:15:11,399 more work and I'm proposing asking uh uh 355 00:15:09,799 --> 00:15:14,039 to send that to the Planning Commission 356 00:15:11,399 --> 00:15:15,799 as well for some additional work based 357 00:15:14,039 --> 00:15:17,399 on residents feedback throughout the 358 00:15:15,799 --> 00:15:19,799 campaigns and throughout the summer and 359 00:15:17,399 --> 00:15:19,799 in the 360 00:15:20,639 --> 00:15:28,360 past can someone clarify for me it if 361 00:15:26,278 --> 00:15:30,480 it's the board's role to direct the 362 00:15:28,360 --> 00:15:31,480 planning commiss 363 00:15:30,480 --> 00:15:34,920 Chris is 364 00:15:31,480 --> 00:15:37,240 talking we can ask Chuck that 365 00:15:34,919 --> 00:15:39,719 question the Township Board does not 366 00:15:37,240 --> 00:15:42,079 have the authority to direct the 367 00:15:39,720 --> 00:15:44,160 Planning Commission to do certain things 368 00:15:42,078 --> 00:15:45,719 outside of their statutory 369 00:15:44,159 --> 00:15:47,879 duties 370 00:15:45,720 --> 00:15:50,319 um the Planning Commission like the 371 00:15:47,879 --> 00:15:53,039 zoning board are independent entities 372 00:15:50,318 --> 00:15:56,759 created by a statute 373 00:15:53,039 --> 00:16:00,120 um there's not a hierarchy which makes 374 00:15:56,759 --> 00:16:02,199 one of these entities 375 00:16:00,120 --> 00:16:03,480 on top of the other they all have their 376 00:16:02,198 --> 00:16:06,278 independent 377 00:16:03,480 --> 00:16:08,639 roles um so if there's going to be 378 00:16:06,278 --> 00:16:09,879 changes to for example zoning ordinances 379 00:16:08,639 --> 00:16:12,839 the Planning Commission has to go 380 00:16:09,879 --> 00:16:15,078 through a process to do that um it would 381 00:16:12,839 --> 00:16:17,360 probably be ill advised to direct the 382 00:16:15,078 --> 00:16:20,120 Planning Commission to create an 383 00:16:17,360 --> 00:16:21,759 ordinance that says X Y and Z doesn't 384 00:16:20,120 --> 00:16:24,120 mean that the Planning Commission cannot 385 00:16:21,759 --> 00:16:27,278 reopen ordinances review those 386 00:16:24,120 --> 00:16:28,919 ordinances have public hearings and make 387 00:16:27,278 --> 00:16:31,919 decisions as far as recommend 388 00:16:28,919 --> 00:16:34,439 recommendations as to amendments to 389 00:16:31,919 --> 00:16:37,078 those and and while we're talking here 390 00:16:34,440 --> 00:16:39,600 Mr supervisor um there's a lot of 391 00:16:37,078 --> 00:16:42,719 discussion about amending uh the agenda 392 00:16:39,600 --> 00:16:44,959 for tonight um there is a longstanding 393 00:16:42,720 --> 00:16:48,519 written policy adopted by Tyrone 394 00:16:44,958 --> 00:16:51,799 Township more than two decades ago that 395 00:16:48,519 --> 00:16:54,519 requires uh when there is to be items 396 00:16:51,799 --> 00:16:56,198 added to the agenda that they be added 397 00:16:54,519 --> 00:16:58,399 at least by the Wednesday before the 398 00:16:56,198 --> 00:17:00,278 meeting and documents that are in 399 00:16:58,399 --> 00:17:02,399 support 400 00:17:00,278 --> 00:17:04,400 um of whatever that agenda item be 401 00:17:02,399 --> 00:17:06,480 submitted by the Friday before the 402 00:17:04,400 --> 00:17:08,319 meeting and I think the purpose of that 403 00:17:06,480 --> 00:17:10,599 is so that the public when they come and 404 00:17:08,318 --> 00:17:12,159 see the agenda they can decide whether 405 00:17:10,599 --> 00:17:16,279 or not they want to come to participate 406 00:17:12,160 --> 00:17:18,798 or not and so um as far as creating 407 00:17:16,279 --> 00:17:21,599 amendments um unless the 408 00:17:18,798 --> 00:17:25,038 township revisits this policy at some 409 00:17:21,599 --> 00:17:27,038 time in the future uh to create these uh 410 00:17:25,038 --> 00:17:30,839 vast amendments to the current agenda 411 00:17:27,038 --> 00:17:30,839 probably be a violation of that policy 412 00:17:30,880 --> 00:17:34,360 even though Cunningham's done in the 413 00:17:32,519 --> 00:17:36,519 past add its track to change things on 414 00:17:34,359 --> 00:17:38,639 the agenda quite often all the time 415 00:17:36,519 --> 00:17:40,160 quite often I understand what you're 416 00:17:38,640 --> 00:17:42,240 saying but I'm just telling you what the 417 00:17:40,160 --> 00:17:43,679 policy is if somebody have asked me you 418 00:17:42,240 --> 00:17:46,960 never mentioned that policy when he was 419 00:17:43,679 --> 00:17:50,559 doing it did you did you ever mention it 420 00:17:46,960 --> 00:17:53,679 once I mentioned in in private in 421 00:17:50,558 --> 00:17:56,158 public okay well I thank you for 422 00:17:53,679 --> 00:17:58,320 confirming the fact that the township as 423 00:17:56,159 --> 00:18:00,840 in especially in the bylaws does allow 424 00:17:58,319 --> 00:18:02,558 the township ship board to pass 425 00:18:00,839 --> 00:18:05,279 directives which you just confirmed as 426 00:18:02,558 --> 00:18:07,319 well that we can direct the township or 427 00:18:05,279 --> 00:18:09,079 the Planning Commission to pick things 428 00:18:07,319 --> 00:18:11,480 up and then the Planning Commission can 429 00:18:09,079 --> 00:18:13,759 decide it's not up to Township to direct 430 00:18:11,480 --> 00:18:15,919 them to approve something it's up to the 431 00:18:13,759 --> 00:18:17,759 township to direct them that there has 432 00:18:15,919 --> 00:18:20,880 to be a reason to reopen it and that's 433 00:18:17,759 --> 00:18:22,798 in the bylaws yeah but you can't my 434 00:18:20,880 --> 00:18:25,159 point is you can't say adopt an 435 00:18:22,798 --> 00:18:27,400 amendment that says x y i I'm not that's 436 00:18:25,159 --> 00:18:29,520 not that's not what we're suggesting and 437 00:18:27,400 --> 00:18:31,360 so I've been very careful to say we're 438 00:18:29,519 --> 00:18:33,158 giving them directives to pick something 439 00:18:31,359 --> 00:18:35,798 up but if it's something they've already 440 00:18:33,159 --> 00:18:38,640 passed like the pl the master plan or an 441 00:18:35,798 --> 00:18:40,759 ordinance then they have to be told uh 442 00:18:38,640 --> 00:18:42,559 at least instructed why we would be 443 00:18:40,759 --> 00:18:44,038 wanting them to do something else 444 00:18:42,558 --> 00:18:47,079 different when something's already been 445 00:18:44,038 --> 00:18:48,879 passed to just say pick something up and 446 00:18:47,079 --> 00:18:51,720 with no reason that doesn't make any 447 00:18:48,880 --> 00:18:54,280 sense it's just not the way that uh uh 448 00:18:51,720 --> 00:18:57,798 but but the uh bylaws definitely allow 449 00:18:54,279 --> 00:19:00,079 us to uh give them some instructions or 450 00:18:57,798 --> 00:19:03,440 uh or directives to do that and I 451 00:19:00,079 --> 00:19:03,439 appreciate you confirming that thank 452 00:19:05,240 --> 00:19:12,679 you okay so back to the added agenda 453 00:19:13,440 --> 00:19:20,200 items we're down to 454 00:19:16,038 --> 00:19:20,200 just the new board 455 00:19:20,919 --> 00:19:25,640 format you want to talk about 456 00:19:23,599 --> 00:19:27,719 that is that do you want some more 457 00:19:25,640 --> 00:19:29,720 detail no I want to know if that needs 458 00:19:27,720 --> 00:19:31,960 to be on the agenda 459 00:19:29,720 --> 00:19:34,519 I've proposed all of these items for the 460 00:19:31,960 --> 00:19:36,038 agenda I'm sorry I thought I was 461 00:19:34,519 --> 00:19:39,240 clear 462 00:19:36,038 --> 00:19:41,640 okay so new board item Planning 463 00:19:39,240 --> 00:19:44,759 Commission directives discuss opening 464 00:19:41,640 --> 00:19:48,919 relationships with legal and engineering 465 00:19:44,759 --> 00:19:52,158 firms and uh discuss uh board workshop 466 00:19:48,919 --> 00:19:52,159 dates right 467 00:19:53,839 --> 00:20:01,000 possible all right 468 00:19:57,079 --> 00:20:05,000 um You have those right now P everything 469 00:20:01,000 --> 00:20:05,000 okay I guess I'll 470 00:20:05,159 --> 00:20:10,520 uh ask for approval of the uh of the 471 00:20:09,200 --> 00:20:14,480 revised 472 00:20:10,519 --> 00:20:14,480 agenda I can make a motion to 473 00:20:15,000 --> 00:20:18,000 approve 474 00:20:18,119 --> 00:20:22,719 second support yeah whatever the proper 475 00:20:21,679 --> 00:20:26,440 word would 476 00:20:22,720 --> 00:20:29,038 be and take a vote we're voting on all 477 00:20:26,440 --> 00:20:30,880 of them at once 478 00:20:29,038 --> 00:20:33,440 yeah he didn't pull any 479 00:20:30,880 --> 00:20:36,880 of you just a 480 00:20:33,440 --> 00:20:38,960 discussion yeah it's not going into this 481 00:20:36,880 --> 00:20:40,600 this just opens a discussion outside of 482 00:20:38,960 --> 00:20:44,079 the one the Planning Commission 483 00:20:40,599 --> 00:20:46,719 directives are pretty simple but um we 484 00:20:44,079 --> 00:20:49,319 can have a discussion about all of these 485 00:20:46,720 --> 00:20:49,319 that's really the 486 00:20:50,400 --> 00:20:56,480 goal I think this would be best in a 487 00:20:53,480 --> 00:20:59,120 workshop from what I seen last night the 488 00:20:56,480 --> 00:21:00,919 hostility we've had for 5 years here 489 00:20:59,119 --> 00:21:02,879 they don't have that at Fen because they 490 00:21:00,919 --> 00:21:04,480 have workshops where the citizens can 491 00:21:02,880 --> 00:21:05,919 ask whether they want to do that and 492 00:21:04,480 --> 00:21:07,919 stuff and I think that would be the best 493 00:21:05,919 --> 00:21:10,278 thing is to have this right here either 494 00:21:07,919 --> 00:21:12,480 move to next week or with these things 495 00:21:10,278 --> 00:21:14,759 here is have the residents more involved 496 00:21:12,480 --> 00:21:16,440 for 5 years they weren't they couldn't 497 00:21:14,759 --> 00:21:18,359 ask us questions and I would just look 498 00:21:16,440 --> 00:21:20,798 at them and I think we need to open it 499 00:21:18,359 --> 00:21:24,759 up with a workshop to discuss this that 500 00:21:20,798 --> 00:21:27,879 would be my recommendation I 501 00:21:24,759 --> 00:21:29,919 agree I agree with her I I would like 502 00:21:27,880 --> 00:21:33,480 these to be more in a workshop format I 503 00:21:29,919 --> 00:21:36,360 would like to get the residents involved 504 00:21:33,480 --> 00:21:39,480 in in in some of this well you have a 505 00:21:36,359 --> 00:21:43,639 motion and a support that needs to be 506 00:21:39,480 --> 00:21:45,640 acted on next yep as per 507 00:21:43,640 --> 00:21:51,799 Robert all in 508 00:21:45,640 --> 00:21:51,799 favor I I all oppose n 509 00:21:52,240 --> 00:21:59,120 n okay so we're back to just the uh 510 00:21:57,759 --> 00:22:02,519 regular agenda 511 00:21:59,119 --> 00:22:02,519 the posted agenda I should 512 00:22:03,359 --> 00:22:07,038 say I make a motion to approve the 513 00:22:05,720 --> 00:22:09,159 agenda as 514 00:22:07,038 --> 00:22:12,158 presented no 515 00:22:09,159 --> 00:22:12,159 changes 516 00:22:12,599 --> 00:22:23,759 support all in favor I I all oppos nay 517 00:22:19,240 --> 00:22:23,759 nay all right the motion carries 518 00:22:24,278 --> 00:22:31,599 we're on to the new uh for the regular 519 00:22:28,240 --> 00:22:33,759 agenda here posted 520 00:22:31,599 --> 00:22:35,399 agenda 521 00:22:33,759 --> 00:22:40,919 um 522 00:22:35,400 --> 00:22:40,919 board no approval of the consent 523 00:22:41,880 --> 00:22:48,039 agenda need to read each of those 524 00:22:45,000 --> 00:22:51,599 regular board minutes meetings for the 525 00:22:48,038 --> 00:22:51,599 November 19th 526 00:22:53,519 --> 00:22:58,879 meeting uh clerks warrant and bills 527 00:22:56,519 --> 00:23:01,158 November 26th 528 00:22:58,880 --> 00:23:05,080 and then the monthly budget report 529 00:23:01,159 --> 00:23:08,080 November 24th or 530 00:23:05,079 --> 00:23:08,079 2024 531 00:23:09,400 --> 00:23:14,840 uh 532 00:23:11,759 --> 00:23:17,359 looking for a motion for 533 00:23:14,839 --> 00:23:19,720 approval 534 00:23:17,359 --> 00:23:24,000 support motion have to make the motion 535 00:23:19,720 --> 00:23:30,240 make a motion to approve it I'll 536 00:23:24,000 --> 00:23:32,278 support all in favor I I oppose 537 00:23:30,240 --> 00:23:35,278 all right motion 538 00:23:32,278 --> 00:23:35,278 carries 539 00:23:39,640 --> 00:23:45,200 Communications no 540 00:23:41,759 --> 00:23:48,960 Communications all right uh open it up 541 00:23:45,200 --> 00:23:48,960 for public remarks 542 00:23:49,359 --> 00:23:56,918 Scott thank you guys dialogue that's 543 00:23:52,359 --> 00:23:58,759 what like you guys all sat there and 544 00:23:56,919 --> 00:24:01,480 talked didn't have people people just 545 00:23:58,759 --> 00:24:04,440 sitting there filling seats not saying 546 00:24:01,480 --> 00:24:06,558 anything it was a wonderful debate 547 00:24:04,440 --> 00:24:09,120 beautiful I love to hear now was there 548 00:24:06,558 --> 00:24:10,319 anything on there I agree with not 549 00:24:09,119 --> 00:24:12,239 putting stuff on the agenda because 550 00:24:10,319 --> 00:24:14,519 that's what we fought for all these 551 00:24:12,240 --> 00:24:16,798 years that stuff you know having too 552 00:24:14,519 --> 00:24:18,278 much on the agenda because a lot of 553 00:24:16,798 --> 00:24:20,759 people out here don't understand half 554 00:24:18,278 --> 00:24:22,079 the stuff we're talking about anyway 555 00:24:20,759 --> 00:24:24,240 until they get 556 00:24:22,079 --> 00:24:26,199 clarification but is there anything on 557 00:24:24,240 --> 00:24:28,519 that list because I didn't want to 558 00:24:26,200 --> 00:24:31,360 interrupt you that's very important 559 00:24:28,519 --> 00:24:34,079 could or should put on the agenda that's 560 00:24:31,359 --> 00:24:36,439 what Dean was referring to that's what 561 00:24:34,079 --> 00:24:38,439 you know there's items that I know 562 00:24:36,440 --> 00:24:40,399 sometimes we have to put on the agenda 563 00:24:38,440 --> 00:24:41,960 because they hit us at the last minute 564 00:24:40,398 --> 00:24:44,918 now I know we've been fighting with the 565 00:24:41,960 --> 00:24:47,640 so wind I don't know you know you guys 566 00:24:44,919 --> 00:24:49,399 see more than I see so you're not I know 567 00:24:47,640 --> 00:24:51,600 you're just getting into it so if 568 00:24:49,398 --> 00:24:53,678 there's anything on there maybe you guys 569 00:24:51,599 --> 00:24:55,959 I don't know if anyone of you think 570 00:24:53,679 --> 00:24:58,919 that's that important that it has to be 571 00:24:55,960 --> 00:25:01,319 done tonight if not in the future I 572 00:24:58,919 --> 00:25:03,640 don't want to see agendas this long but 573 00:25:01,319 --> 00:25:05,558 if they are I think we've already talked 574 00:25:03,640 --> 00:25:08,320 about a lot of people haven't been 575 00:25:05,558 --> 00:25:10,879 talking to to you guys that this could 576 00:25:08,319 --> 00:25:13,678 be dealt with in a whole different way 577 00:25:10,880 --> 00:25:15,440 so they'll hopefully we'll get them to 578 00:25:13,679 --> 00:25:18,798 understand because I have talked a 579 00:25:15,440 --> 00:25:20,519 couple people here so on the side so but 580 00:25:18,798 --> 00:25:23,200 you know thanks guys for having the 581 00:25:20,519 --> 00:25:26,278 dialogue and it shows us that we have 582 00:25:23,200 --> 00:25:29,000 people that aren't afraid and you guys 583 00:25:26,278 --> 00:25:31,278 can all walk away not killing each other 584 00:25:29,000 --> 00:25:33,720 so thank you very much thanks Scott to 585 00:25:31,278 --> 00:25:35,599 answer your question as well we uh we 586 00:25:33,720 --> 00:25:37,519 can't add anything on the agenda from 587 00:25:35,599 --> 00:25:40,359 that list because they just voted not to 588 00:25:37,519 --> 00:25:43,359 do that that's fine I understand say 589 00:25:40,359 --> 00:25:45,398 okay I heard that question we know in 590 00:25:43,359 --> 00:25:47,959 the future you know we'd like to have 591 00:25:45,398 --> 00:25:49,038 everything on the agenda time but we but 592 00:25:47,960 --> 00:25:51,000 everybody understands if there's 593 00:25:49,038 --> 00:25:55,440 something emergency you know even the 594 00:25:51,000 --> 00:25:58,720 attorney you know he did say he 595 00:25:55,440 --> 00:26:01,320 directed what we will do Scott is we do 596 00:25:58,720 --> 00:26:03,159 have Planning Commission stuff on the 597 00:26:01,319 --> 00:26:05,079 agenda we are going to tweak the 598 00:26:03,159 --> 00:26:07,360 Planning Commission tonight no I 599 00:26:05,079 --> 00:26:11,519 understand and we will schedule a 600 00:26:07,359 --> 00:26:14,319 workshop we want everybody further tweak 601 00:26:11,519 --> 00:26:15,918 the plan that's what everybody want so 602 00:26:14,319 --> 00:26:18,558 but we're going to do it right we got to 603 00:26:15,919 --> 00:26:21,080 do it right yeah and I'm glad to see 604 00:26:18,558 --> 00:26:23,359 that the attorney is tonight it sounded 605 00:26:21,079 --> 00:26:25,240 like he was a little more expl give us a 606 00:26:23,359 --> 00:26:27,359 little more explanation and I'd like to 607 00:26:25,240 --> 00:26:29,079 see our attorney give a little more 608 00:26:27,359 --> 00:26:31,359 explanation because we're lawyers I mean 609 00:26:29,079 --> 00:26:33,119 I've learned a lot of things and I will 610 00:26:31,359 --> 00:26:36,519 just tell you Chuck has been extremely 611 00:26:33,119 --> 00:26:38,319 helpful that's F we want to have dialog 612 00:26:36,519 --> 00:26:41,158 with our attorney I mean we want to be 613 00:26:38,319 --> 00:26:43,639 able to communicate I mean the only 614 00:26:41,159 --> 00:26:45,240 thing I ever thought was wrong was I 615 00:26:43,640 --> 00:26:48,399 think our attorney should support the 616 00:26:45,240 --> 00:26:51,120 people not the I don't know what the 617 00:26:48,398 --> 00:26:53,119 legality is on that but I mean the the 618 00:26:51,119 --> 00:26:55,599 people are hiring the attorney and 619 00:26:53,119 --> 00:26:57,398 attorneys there work with the people not 620 00:26:55,599 --> 00:26:59,038 we'll get there we'll get there Scott 621 00:26:57,398 --> 00:27:00,519 thank you 622 00:26:59,038 --> 00:27:02,599 anyone 623 00:27:00,519 --> 00:27:05,918 else good 624 00:27:02,599 --> 00:27:08,119 evening my name is Dave Forester I'm new 625 00:27:05,919 --> 00:27:10,799 I'm a new Resident to Tyrone Township 626 00:27:08,119 --> 00:27:12,918 and uh congratulations to all of you 627 00:27:10,798 --> 00:27:16,839 that that came out ahead in the last 628 00:27:12,919 --> 00:27:19,759 election I am also the um treasur for 629 00:27:16,839 --> 00:27:22,079 the triome Township historical society 630 00:27:19,759 --> 00:27:25,720 and I'm encouraged by this board's 631 00:27:22,079 --> 00:27:28,199 commitment to community involvement 632 00:27:25,720 --> 00:27:32,360 that's what I've gathered listening to 633 00:27:28,200 --> 00:27:34,960 to all of the um individuals that ran 634 00:27:32,359 --> 00:27:36,240 and um I've gotten to know Herm a little 635 00:27:34,960 --> 00:27:38,558 bit in some of the meetings with the 636 00:27:36,240 --> 00:27:41,919 Historical Society Community involvement 637 00:27:38,558 --> 00:27:44,398 is dear to I feel most of your hearts up 638 00:27:41,919 --> 00:27:47,759 here and having said that it's the hope 639 00:27:44,398 --> 00:27:49,719 that the relationship of the township um 640 00:27:47,759 --> 00:27:52,240 that already exists with the Historical 641 00:27:49,720 --> 00:27:54,519 Society will continue to grow and expand 642 00:27:52,240 --> 00:27:55,919 in the days and years to come it's our 643 00:27:54,519 --> 00:27:58,359 hope that in the near future the 644 00:27:55,919 --> 00:28:02,799 Township Board assign a board member as 645 00:27:58,359 --> 00:28:05,678 a liaison to to the historical society 646 00:28:02,798 --> 00:28:08,679 and that the Historical Society um 647 00:28:05,679 --> 00:28:09,720 assigned alazon to you to help Foster 648 00:28:08,679 --> 00:28:12,320 that 649 00:28:09,720 --> 00:28:14,399 relationship whether it's the townhouse 650 00:28:12,319 --> 00:28:16,839 project the pioneer days or the 651 00:28:14,398 --> 00:28:18,719 publication of the backward glance book 652 00:28:16,839 --> 00:28:20,918 we at the Historical Society are working 653 00:28:18,720 --> 00:28:22,960 hard to bring our community together and 654 00:28:20,919 --> 00:28:26,440 welcome collaboration with you an effort 655 00:28:22,960 --> 00:28:28,720 to create better community involment so 656 00:28:26,440 --> 00:28:31,720 we're here to to welcome you all 657 00:28:28,720 --> 00:28:34,079 and uh my first meeting with you so I'm 658 00:28:31,720 --> 00:28:36,440 I'm excited to be here all right well 659 00:28:34,079 --> 00:28:36,439 thank you 660 00:28:39,240 --> 00:28:42,440 Dave all 661 00:28:43,398 --> 00:28:50,359 right good evening I'm Steve Hasbrook I 662 00:28:47,880 --> 00:28:52,559 once was in exactly your position that 663 00:28:50,359 --> 00:28:55,918 you in right you're in right now there 664 00:28:52,558 --> 00:29:00,200 was a large change over I was a 665 00:28:55,919 --> 00:29:04,360 trustee and I I congratulate all of you 666 00:29:00,200 --> 00:29:06,440 you know Pam and and Jennifer also that 667 00:29:04,359 --> 00:29:09,519 you know you guys are going to be able 668 00:29:06,440 --> 00:29:11,399 to help in this role and you know you 669 00:29:09,519 --> 00:29:15,880 got a lot of new people that have a lot 670 00:29:11,398 --> 00:29:19,319 of big ideas and good ideas and there's 671 00:29:15,880 --> 00:29:21,320 you know we we struggled some and you 672 00:29:19,319 --> 00:29:25,278 know the go-getters that were on the 673 00:29:21,319 --> 00:29:28,558 board they bowed out very quickly they 674 00:29:25,278 --> 00:29:31,319 were gone within months because they 675 00:29:28,558 --> 00:29:34,119 didn't understand that they're working 676 00:29:31,319 --> 00:29:37,759 in government now you got the public you 677 00:29:34,119 --> 00:29:41,119 got attorneys you got other people's 678 00:29:37,759 --> 00:29:43,240 attorneys that you got to deal with and 679 00:29:41,119 --> 00:29:45,639 it's a challenge so I appreciate that 680 00:29:43,240 --> 00:29:48,798 you're stepping up to to do what you're 681 00:29:45,640 --> 00:29:51,559 going to do so I wish you all well thank 682 00:29:48,798 --> 00:29:51,558 you Steve thank you 683 00:29:55,159 --> 00:29:59,159 Steve Janette 684 00:30:00,480 --> 00:30:05,599 good evening Janette Retta Tyrone 685 00:30:02,798 --> 00:30:08,879 Township resident um I want to 686 00:30:05,599 --> 00:30:11,359 especially welcome supervisor KS and the 687 00:30:08,880 --> 00:30:13,200 rest of the trustees to the board the 688 00:30:11,359 --> 00:30:14,918 overwhelming support some of you 689 00:30:13,200 --> 00:30:17,080 received at the polls wasn't just an 690 00:30:14,919 --> 00:30:19,440 election it was a clear message from the 691 00:30:17,079 --> 00:30:22,359 community um people want meaningful 692 00:30:19,440 --> 00:30:24,440 change that values genuine relationships 693 00:30:22,359 --> 00:30:26,959 with the residents and that includes 694 00:30:24,440 --> 00:30:29,000 transparency accountability and 695 00:30:26,960 --> 00:30:31,480 Leadership and so for those of you who 696 00:30:29,000 --> 00:30:33,640 ran campaigns and actively reached out 697 00:30:31,480 --> 00:30:35,960 to the community I want to thank you for 698 00:30:33,640 --> 00:30:37,880 bringing those values to the Forefront 699 00:30:35,960 --> 00:30:39,440 that people responded to your message 700 00:30:37,880 --> 00:30:42,000 they showed that they're ready for a 701 00:30:39,440 --> 00:30:44,519 Fresh Approach one where residents are 702 00:30:42,000 --> 00:30:46,679 heard their concerns are addressed and 703 00:30:44,519 --> 00:30:49,558 officials are happy to engage and work 704 00:30:46,679 --> 00:30:51,720 together um tonight marks exciting uh 705 00:30:49,558 --> 00:30:53,480 start of a new chapter for our Township 706 00:30:51,720 --> 00:30:55,679 I believe and I know the people of 707 00:30:53,480 --> 00:30:57,519 Tyrone Township stand ready to support 708 00:30:55,679 --> 00:30:59,519 this board because I hear it all the 709 00:30:57,519 --> 00:31:01,399 time residents tell me how much they 710 00:30:59,519 --> 00:31:03,919 love living here and how much they want 711 00:31:01,398 --> 00:31:06,719 their voices to matter the past few 712 00:31:03,919 --> 00:31:09,038 years have been tough in that regard but 713 00:31:06,720 --> 00:31:11,399 now together I believe we can turn a new 714 00:31:09,038 --> 00:31:13,759 page thank you to those who ran 715 00:31:11,398 --> 00:31:16,158 campaigns that reflected the values and 716 00:31:13,759 --> 00:31:18,158 commitment this community deserves and 717 00:31:16,159 --> 00:31:20,880 again that is transparency 718 00:31:18,159 --> 00:31:22,200 accountability and Leadership um we're 719 00:31:20,880 --> 00:31:23,720 all looking forward to seeing the 720 00:31:22,200 --> 00:31:26,480 progress this board will make in the 721 00:31:23,720 --> 00:31:28,600 years ahead and um I personally look 722 00:31:26,480 --> 00:31:31,079 forward to any opportuni to be able to 723 00:31:28,599 --> 00:31:33,959 help in any way with your efforts thank 724 00:31:31,079 --> 00:31:33,960 you thank you 725 00:31:37,880 --> 00:31:44,480 Janette anyone 726 00:31:41,240 --> 00:31:44,480 else all 727 00:31:46,798 --> 00:31:52,519 right's I even paying 728 00:31:49,519 --> 00:31:52,519 attention 729 00:31:52,638 --> 00:31:57,959 was if you get too long I'll just say it 730 00:31:59,558 --> 00:32:06,119 off that's 731 00:32:02,679 --> 00:32:09,759 fine all right um we're all done with 732 00:32:06,119 --> 00:32:09,759 public remarks on finished 733 00:32:13,480 --> 00:32:20,480 business uh we don't have anything no no 734 00:32:16,798 --> 00:32:22,440 all right everything's finished new 735 00:32:20,480 --> 00:32:26,240 business 736 00:32:22,440 --> 00:32:30,000 uh we have a request for the supervisor 737 00:32:26,240 --> 00:32:33,359 and the trustees to attend MTA uh new 738 00:32:30,000 --> 00:32:36,398 officials Workshop 739 00:32:33,359 --> 00:32:39,158 um I'm uh looking at sometime in 740 00:32:36,398 --> 00:32:42,038 December here um not sure what the 741 00:32:39,159 --> 00:32:43,880 trustees are looking for but uh I think 742 00:32:42,038 --> 00:32:46,960 it's 743 00:32:43,880 --> 00:32:49,278 uh I like training I think training is 744 00:32:46,960 --> 00:32:51,558 good for everyone I've also I've even 745 00:32:49,278 --> 00:32:55,200 talked to the planning uh commission 746 00:32:51,558 --> 00:32:57,638 people and the zba people it's 28 years 747 00:32:55,200 --> 00:33:01,120 on the zba I never had any training I 748 00:32:57,638 --> 00:33:03,199 did did it all on my own so 749 00:33:01,119 --> 00:33:06,479 um with that 750 00:33:03,200 --> 00:33:09,960 said I'm looking for a motion to uh 751 00:33:06,480 --> 00:33:14,599 approve I'll make a motion I 752 00:33:09,960 --> 00:33:17,200 supported all in favor I I any 753 00:33:14,599 --> 00:33:20,879 oppos all 754 00:33:17,200 --> 00:33:22,600 right uh we had uh one of the Planning 755 00:33:20,880 --> 00:33:25,519 Commission members 756 00:33:22,599 --> 00:33:28,000 resign Steve 757 00:33:25,519 --> 00:33:32,120 Krauss I thanked him for his many years 758 00:33:28,000 --> 00:33:34,440 of service but uh he had decided it was 759 00:33:32,119 --> 00:33:37,518 not for him 760 00:33:34,440 --> 00:33:40,000 anymore uh so I'm looking for a motion 761 00:33:37,519 --> 00:33:43,319 to accept his 762 00:33:40,000 --> 00:33:48,558 resignation motion to accept 763 00:33:43,319 --> 00:33:48,558 support all in favor I I 764 00:33:50,038 --> 00:33:58,240 oppose all right uh item number 765 00:33:54,480 --> 00:34:01,798 three uh I 766 00:33:58,240 --> 00:34:04,679 have talked to the trustees individually 767 00:34:01,798 --> 00:34:07,200 about this and 768 00:34:04,679 --> 00:34:10,918 uh I think I 769 00:34:07,200 --> 00:34:15,480 have pretty good consensus that uh Chris 770 00:34:10,918 --> 00:34:19,000 Reta is is probably the best uh person 771 00:34:15,480 --> 00:34:20,079 to appoint to that board as our uh what 772 00:34:19,000 --> 00:34:22,119 do they call it 773 00:34:20,079 --> 00:34:25,399 afficianado something like that ex 774 00:34:22,119 --> 00:34:27,320 official ex official yeah ficado is a 775 00:34:25,398 --> 00:34:28,838 cigar smoker you you'll have to 776 00:34:27,320 --> 00:34:31,280 determine 777 00:34:28,838 --> 00:34:34,799 a fish andado or not after I'm a cigar 778 00:34:31,280 --> 00:34:37,320 smoker so I'm I'm not an ex whatever I'm 779 00:34:34,800 --> 00:34:37,320 a fish 780 00:34:38,119 --> 00:34:43,440 andado anyway um here's that fun new 781 00:34:41,559 --> 00:34:46,878 title it's supposed to be fun by the way 782 00:34:43,440 --> 00:34:49,960 yeah you could laugh come on it's like 783 00:34:46,878 --> 00:34:52,918 we don't have to be that serious do we 784 00:34:49,960 --> 00:34:55,320 uh I'm looking for a motion to to 785 00:34:52,918 --> 00:34:58,679 appoint Chris Retta I don't know if 786 00:34:55,320 --> 00:35:01,599 there's any questions from the board uh 787 00:34:58,679 --> 00:35:03,239 any answers from the board I'll make a 788 00:35:01,599 --> 00:35:06,880 motion Point Chris repe it to the 789 00:35:03,239 --> 00:35:11,000 planning board as our leaz on support 790 00:35:06,880 --> 00:35:13,240 all in favor I 791 00:35:11,000 --> 00:35:16,119 oppose all right 792 00:35:13,239 --> 00:35:19,598 Chris second job thank you I excuse 793 00:35:16,119 --> 00:35:22,000 third job thank you Duty you want to 794 00:35:19,599 --> 00:35:25,119 take on 795 00:35:22,000 --> 00:35:29,039 anymore where I need it thank you yes 796 00:35:25,119 --> 00:35:31,720 thank you for for for stepping up um and 797 00:35:29,039 --> 00:35:34,199 I look forward to that's a 798 00:35:31,719 --> 00:35:38,000 uh that's a very important job 799 00:35:34,199 --> 00:35:40,399 especially in the next uh six months we 800 00:35:38,000 --> 00:35:42,280 got a lot to 801 00:35:40,400 --> 00:35:44,838 do 802 00:35:42,280 --> 00:35:47,760 uh I also would like to put out a notice 803 00:35:44,838 --> 00:35:50,279 to the public uh that we are looking we 804 00:35:47,760 --> 00:35:53,760 have one Planning 805 00:35:50,280 --> 00:35:56,440 Commission uh commissioner open opening 806 00:35:53,760 --> 00:36:00,119 uh I did receive one 807 00:35:56,440 --> 00:36:03,400 application um um and I supposedly have 808 00:36:00,119 --> 00:36:04,960 a couple more coming in uh but I want to 809 00:36:03,400 --> 00:36:08,000 make a public announcement to it if 810 00:36:04,960 --> 00:36:11,440 anybody hasn't heard 811 00:36:08,000 --> 00:36:13,440 please send me a little cover letter on 812 00:36:11,440 --> 00:36:16,400 why you want to why you feel you want to 813 00:36:13,440 --> 00:36:19,838 be on that board what you can contribute 814 00:36:16,400 --> 00:36:21,760 and maybe a little uh resume on your uh 815 00:36:19,838 --> 00:36:26,119 your background Greg what's the deadline 816 00:36:21,760 --> 00:36:29,000 on that have it in 817 00:36:26,119 --> 00:36:33,559 um yeah 818 00:36:29,000 --> 00:36:35,039 okay um well I'd like to uh I'd like to 819 00:36:33,559 --> 00:36:37,880 have 820 00:36:35,039 --> 00:36:40,318 a a person 821 00:36:37,880 --> 00:36:43,318 picked before the next 822 00:36:40,318 --> 00:36:45,960 meeting so I'm going to 823 00:36:43,318 --> 00:36:48,239 say board meeting or there a board 824 00:36:45,960 --> 00:36:49,599 meeting a board meeting I would like to 825 00:36:48,239 --> 00:36:52,239 have 826 00:36:49,599 --> 00:36:54,240 someone that's the 17th I think right 827 00:36:52,239 --> 00:36:57,039 prop the next board meeting yeah to 828 00:36:54,239 --> 00:37:01,000 bring up to you guys so the next board 829 00:36:57,039 --> 00:37:04,400 meeting is the 17th uh I would let's say 830 00:37:01,000 --> 00:37:07,400 by the 10th by next week next Tuesday 831 00:37:04,400 --> 00:37:11,960 I'd like to is that something we can 832 00:37:07,400 --> 00:37:14,318 post publicly or in the paper I 833 00:37:11,960 --> 00:37:17,079 don't can we do 834 00:37:14,318 --> 00:37:20,679 that and is there a for is there an 835 00:37:17,079 --> 00:37:21,960 application form or anything or or 836 00:37:20,679 --> 00:37:24,078 anything for that you said if you 837 00:37:21,960 --> 00:37:26,119 anybody wanted to apply or is it just to 838 00:37:24,079 --> 00:37:29,000 send that note as you described it 839 00:37:26,119 --> 00:37:32,000 wouldn't get in there until Sunday 840 00:37:29,000 --> 00:37:35,318 if we meet the deadline by 841 00:37:32,000 --> 00:37:36,559 tomorrow you post till Sunday do it by 842 00:37:35,318 --> 00:37:40,920 the 843 00:37:36,559 --> 00:37:40,920 10th maybe appoint it by 844 00:37:44,199 --> 00:37:50,000 Thursday homepage of the website would 845 00:37:46,519 --> 00:37:51,559 be lovely we could uh we could move it 846 00:37:50,000 --> 00:37:56,199 to the 12th that would give them a 847 00:37:51,559 --> 00:37:59,318 little more time from reading it on 848 00:37:56,199 --> 00:38:00,719 Sunday so so let's say the deadline is 849 00:37:59,318 --> 00:38:03,358 the 850 00:38:00,719 --> 00:38:06,879 12th all right I'm 851 00:38:03,358 --> 00:38:11,078 uh looking for a motion to approve the 852 00:38:06,880 --> 00:38:12,720 public notice for a planning 853 00:38:11,079 --> 00:38:16,079 commissioner 854 00:38:12,719 --> 00:38:18,719 and application and have it uh posted in 855 00:38:16,079 --> 00:38:21,960 the newspaper I'll make a motion can we 856 00:38:18,719 --> 00:38:23,759 add the website too website 857 00:38:21,960 --> 00:38:29,280 sure 858 00:38:23,760 --> 00:38:29,280 support all in favor I I 859 00:38:30,559 --> 00:38:37,759 close all right and the last item on our 860 00:38:34,800 --> 00:38:39,000 uh new business uh the meeting room 861 00:38:37,760 --> 00:38:41,760 carpet 862 00:38:39,000 --> 00:38:45,358 cleaning you notice that spot back there 863 00:38:41,760 --> 00:38:48,000 I'm sure how that happen so I included 864 00:38:45,358 --> 00:38:50,960 in the packet the cost from last year 865 00:38:48,000 --> 00:38:53,318 from modernistic was $ 866 00:38:50,960 --> 00:38:55,960 48907 I'm assuming it'll be somewhere 867 00:38:53,318 --> 00:38:58,119 around they clean the whole the whole 868 00:38:55,960 --> 00:39:01,720 thing not just Spott it right they clean 869 00:38:58,119 --> 00:39:03,880 the entire thing this room yeah just 870 00:39:01,719 --> 00:39:06,078 this room we didn't we didn't send out 871 00:39:03,880 --> 00:39:07,640 get any quotes we're just G to go off 872 00:39:06,079 --> 00:39:09,800 the last year's well that that's what 873 00:39:07,639 --> 00:39:11,838 I'm asking what what do we want to do I 874 00:39:09,800 --> 00:39:15,119 mean it's 500 bucks it's I don't think 875 00:39:11,838 --> 00:39:15,119 we're getting it cheaper anywhere 876 00:39:19,960 --> 00:39:24,199 else how soon could they do it well as 877 00:39:22,960 --> 00:39:25,720 soon as I call them they're they're 878 00:39:24,199 --> 00:39:27,799 pretty good within a couple weeks they 879 00:39:25,719 --> 00:39:29,358 come well I mean the question is did it 880 00:39:27,800 --> 00:39:32,680 last year the question I have is 881 00:39:29,358 --> 00:39:35,759 typically would we go out for bid or to 882 00:39:32,679 --> 00:39:38,078 uh solicit additional companies that 883 00:39:35,760 --> 00:39:40,000 would provide that service and be able 884 00:39:38,079 --> 00:39:42,880 to pick from a few I'm just asking went 885 00:39:40,000 --> 00:39:48,400 out for bed and we had one okay one came 886 00:39:42,880 --> 00:39:50,519 back so this was the one that uh bit on 887 00:39:48,400 --> 00:39:53,480 it what's our process for going out for 888 00:39:50,519 --> 00:39:53,480 bid on a 889 00:39:54,559 --> 00:39:59,000 curiosity we call a bunch of places and 890 00:39:57,079 --> 00:40:00,359 ask some to bid it do we put in the 891 00:39:59,000 --> 00:40:02,559 newspaper I mean what what is our 892 00:40:00,358 --> 00:40:05,119 process well for this this was posted in 893 00:40:02,559 --> 00:40:07,039 the newspaper and on our website and 894 00:40:05,119 --> 00:40:09,800 that but it just depends what type of 895 00:40:07,039 --> 00:40:12,199 bid you're looking at so nobody really 896 00:40:09,800 --> 00:40:14,839 calls anybody and says hey you are you 897 00:40:12,199 --> 00:40:17,799 interested no no no it's advertised and 898 00:40:14,838 --> 00:40:21,119 posted it's just the Avenue in which you 899 00:40:17,800 --> 00:40:22,440 take may vary based upon what type of 900 00:40:21,119 --> 00:40:25,318 bid you're looking 901 00:40:22,440 --> 00:40:28,960 for and this one is just the newspaper 902 00:40:25,318 --> 00:40:28,960 and our website 903 00:40:29,280 --> 00:40:33,920 I'm always in favor of looking at a few 904 00:40:31,480 --> 00:40:36,719 quotes two or three quotes at least yeah 905 00:40:33,920 --> 00:40:38,280 I'd like to see some too if we can 906 00:40:36,719 --> 00:40:41,118 there's quite a few local companies that 907 00:40:38,280 --> 00:40:43,839 do it that 908 00:40:41,119 --> 00:40:45,599 yeah you said only one responded back 909 00:40:43,838 --> 00:40:46,880 last year yes this we'll see if you want 910 00:40:45,599 --> 00:40:53,000 let's see what we 911 00:40:46,880 --> 00:40:53,000 get get bids and see how many we get 912 00:40:53,079 --> 00:40:58,039 okay so someone needs to make a motion 913 00:40:56,400 --> 00:41:01,200 to 914 00:40:58,039 --> 00:41:03,920 put a cleaning bit Yeah advertisement 915 00:41:01,199 --> 00:41:06,799 are we going to have a deadline on that 916 00:41:03,920 --> 00:41:10,559 also next week I think that could go 917 00:41:06,800 --> 00:41:13,800 with a week we could have it in Sunday's 918 00:41:10,559 --> 00:41:15,838 paper okay and give at least two weeks 919 00:41:13,800 --> 00:41:17,200 for that I don't think the stains are 920 00:41:15,838 --> 00:41:19,799 going 921 00:41:17,199 --> 00:41:21,838 anywhere that'd be nice if they did 922 00:41:19,800 --> 00:41:23,760 right well we've been waiting and 923 00:41:21,838 --> 00:41:24,599 they're still there so we might add a 924 00:41:23,760 --> 00:41:27,680 few 925 00:41:24,599 --> 00:41:29,359 more think they're going to leave I 926 00:41:27,679 --> 00:41:33,358 don't think so I'll make a motion to go 927 00:41:29,358 --> 00:41:36,679 for a bit I support it all in 928 00:41:33,358 --> 00:41:36,679 favor any 929 00:41:38,199 --> 00:41:42,439 oppose okay 930 00:41:42,880 --> 00:41:48,960 uh do we have any miscellaneous 931 00:41:46,519 --> 00:41:51,480 business 932 00:41:48,960 --> 00:41:54,480 no no we do 933 00:41:51,480 --> 00:41:54,480 not 934 00:41:54,880 --> 00:42:00,519 okay yeah I think we're right to the 935 00:41:58,119 --> 00:42:03,760 last round of public remarks 936 00:42:00,519 --> 00:42:06,880 Scott I got a 937 00:42:03,760 --> 00:42:09,200 question got my tax bill today I 938 00:42:06,880 --> 00:42:11,680 remember we had an audience here full of 939 00:42:09,199 --> 00:42:14,879 people when you guys wanted to raise the 940 00:42:11,679 --> 00:42:17,118 price of our fire run from 150 to 941 00:42:14,880 --> 00:42:19,880 175 and I think the people were sitting 942 00:42:17,119 --> 00:42:22,480 there thinking after we raised Health to 943 00:42:19,880 --> 00:42:23,519 get a manufactured for home parks to pay 944 00:42:22,480 --> 00:42:27,440 the same 945 00:42:23,519 --> 00:42:28,318 amount so ours didn't go up ours just 946 00:42:27,440 --> 00:42:31,318 went up 947 00:42:28,318 --> 00:42:34,318 $25 I was on the understanding that we 948 00:42:31,318 --> 00:42:36,599 wanted that issue taken care of so ours 949 00:42:34,318 --> 00:42:37,960 wouldn't be raised now come on the money 950 00:42:36,599 --> 00:42:40,680 that's coming out of those manufacturing 951 00:42:37,960 --> 00:42:43,760 home parks now if you did what you told 952 00:42:40,679 --> 00:42:46,318 us what we wanted you to do is they're 953 00:42:43,760 --> 00:42:49,520 going to pay the same amount as we were 954 00:42:46,318 --> 00:42:50,599 there's no need for us to go 25 mil more 955 00:42:49,519 --> 00:42:52,838 so what are you going to do with all 956 00:42:50,599 --> 00:42:54,960 this extra money I was in here talking 957 00:42:52,838 --> 00:43:02,400 to great about know I was talking about 958 00:42:54,960 --> 00:43:02,400 a different issue but please tax $25 no 959 00:43:03,760 --> 00:43:09,440 I'm I tell you what Scott 960 00:43:06,800 --> 00:43:11,880 um why don't you schedule something with 961 00:43:09,440 --> 00:43:13,800 Jennifer and myself and we'll I I think 962 00:43:11,880 --> 00:43:15,960 people this is why I said before the 963 00:43:13,800 --> 00:43:19,720 public have a right to know and answer 964 00:43:15,960 --> 00:43:20,760 why it went up I I'll just do this by 965 00:43:19,719 --> 00:43:23,279 the next 966 00:43:20,760 --> 00:43:25,720 meeting I want to know all the I want to 967 00:43:23,280 --> 00:43:27,119 know all the people that are paying into 968 00:43:25,719 --> 00:43:28,519 this I want to know what they're paying 969 00:43:27,119 --> 00:43:30,800 I want to know how much money's coming 970 00:43:28,519 --> 00:43:34,199 in I want to see the 971 00:43:30,800 --> 00:43:35,480 numbers I want that's fine we can show 972 00:43:34,199 --> 00:43:37,118 but I'm just saying you're talk I know 973 00:43:35,480 --> 00:43:39,599 what the numbers are over there what 974 00:43:37,119 --> 00:43:42,800 they were over they paying like $40 unit 975 00:43:39,599 --> 00:43:45,318 we before it was raised you remember 976 00:43:42,800 --> 00:43:47,039 there was a public safety hearing public 977 00:43:45,318 --> 00:43:49,358 hearing that's what I just said did you 978 00:43:47,039 --> 00:43:51,318 hear what I said last year yours went up 979 00:43:49,358 --> 00:43:53,400 everybody's went up including the mobile 980 00:43:51,318 --> 00:43:55,519 home parks the rest of the information 981 00:43:53,400 --> 00:43:57,838 you can come to my office and I'll expar 982 00:43:55,519 --> 00:44:00,318 what I said you didn't hear what I said 983 00:43:57,838 --> 00:44:03,838 take the amount of homes over there they 984 00:44:00,318 --> 00:44:08,039 used to be 40 I think per unit you went 985 00:44:03,838 --> 00:44:10,719 up to 150 if you want for $150 take that 986 00:44:08,039 --> 00:44:12,838 $110 times how many units you know how 987 00:44:10,719 --> 00:44:13,879 much money that is you don't need that 988 00:44:12,838 --> 00:44:17,358 much 989 00:44:13,880 --> 00:44:19,119 money I want we're going to get Listen 990 00:44:17,358 --> 00:44:21,598 Hold on let meish we're going to get 991 00:44:19,119 --> 00:44:23,000 into this stuff in the future but I 992 00:44:21,599 --> 00:44:25,838 can't see 993 00:44:23,000 --> 00:44:27,559 $175 plus adding all those other homes 994 00:44:25,838 --> 00:44:29,639 okay I'll drop it 995 00:44:27,559 --> 00:44:32,240 I want I want the answers you come in 996 00:44:29,639 --> 00:44:33,838 and we'll talk about we'll talk about 997 00:44:32,239 --> 00:44:37,598 another issue I brought 998 00:44:33,838 --> 00:44:42,318 up the other day 999 00:44:37,599 --> 00:44:46,920 with Greg was we got the turn 1000 00:44:42,318 --> 00:44:48,880 here was PES ice climbing over two years 1001 00:44:46,920 --> 00:44:50,079 ago the township asked them to come in 1002 00:44:48,880 --> 00:44:52,119 because they were doing ice climbing 1003 00:44:50,079 --> 00:44:55,200 over there they had a gym in the 1004 00:44:52,119 --> 00:44:57,559 facility their their farm and they were 1005 00:44:55,199 --> 00:44:59,679 they're doing commercial ice climbing 1006 00:44:57,559 --> 00:45:02,079 okay so they came in here the township 1007 00:44:59,679 --> 00:45:03,279 made them come in he told them well 1008 00:45:02,079 --> 00:45:04,318 you're going to we want to know what 1009 00:45:03,280 --> 00:45:06,319 you're doing so we had a Planning 1010 00:45:04,318 --> 00:45:07,719 Commission meeting and they told us 1011 00:45:06,318 --> 00:45:10,079 we're just going to do ice climbing it's 1012 00:45:07,719 --> 00:45:13,480 only a couple times a year and you know 1013 00:45:10,079 --> 00:45:15,720 most people were supportive of it 1014 00:45:13,480 --> 00:45:17,559 okay and I stood up and I said well are 1015 00:45:15,719 --> 00:45:20,480 you going to have events 1016 00:45:17,559 --> 00:45:23,000 too no we're not going to have events 1017 00:45:20,480 --> 00:45:23,880 well so they passed them with 1018 00:45:23,000 --> 00:45:26,440 understanding that that they weren't 1019 00:45:23,880 --> 00:45:28,039 supposed to have alcohol served during 1020 00:45:26,440 --> 00:45:30,079 events 1021 00:45:28,039 --> 00:45:32,759 well I showed pictures where they had 1022 00:45:30,079 --> 00:45:35,160 alcoholic events where he put on his 1023 00:45:32,760 --> 00:45:38,520 website not only that it's been two 1024 00:45:35,159 --> 00:45:41,078 years and they haven't been back to get 1025 00:45:38,519 --> 00:45:45,079 final approval so I went to Ross and I 1026 00:45:41,079 --> 00:45:48,920 went to Greg there's 1027 00:45:45,079 --> 00:45:51,280 no nothing on record for any permits for 1028 00:45:48,920 --> 00:45:53,559 these huge poles massive beans and 1029 00:45:51,280 --> 00:45:55,079 fencing hanging from the but are they 1030 00:45:53,559 --> 00:45:57,400 ice climbing right now they're ice 1031 00:45:55,079 --> 00:45:59,480 climbing right now as of right now the I 1032 00:45:57,400 --> 00:46:01,800 climbing he's advertising and he even 1033 00:45:59,480 --> 00:46:04,318 tonight he says have people over there 1034 00:46:01,800 --> 00:46:06,318 all right ice is there tons and tons of 1035 00:46:04,318 --> 00:46:07,400 ice not of that he erected a rock 1036 00:46:06,318 --> 00:46:09,599 climbing 1037 00:46:07,400 --> 00:46:12,039 wall okay all this stuff has been done 1038 00:46:09,599 --> 00:46:13,760 without approval two years okay and the 1039 00:46:12,039 --> 00:46:17,039 attorney's right here I told this is why 1040 00:46:13,760 --> 00:46:19,319 I told Ross this is a safety violation 1041 00:46:17,039 --> 00:46:22,199 we haven't even had an engineer look and 1042 00:46:19,318 --> 00:46:24,239 see if this this this stuff could even 1043 00:46:22,199 --> 00:46:26,118 the let me talk with Chuck and Ross 1044 00:46:24,239 --> 00:46:29,639 about this I want the attorney here my 1045 00:46:26,119 --> 00:46:32,119 side yep we don't know how much support 1046 00:46:29,639 --> 00:46:34,118 these beams can hold so do we have we 1047 00:46:32,119 --> 00:46:36,440 have a serious safety violation over 1048 00:46:34,119 --> 00:46:38,480 there and I think this needs to be shut 1049 00:46:36,440 --> 00:46:42,159 down they've had over two years to 1050 00:46:38,480 --> 00:46:44,358 comply let me look in let me look in 1051 00:46:42,159 --> 00:46:44,358 thank 1052 00:46:48,239 --> 00:46:54,159 you anybody else 1053 00:46:51,480 --> 00:47:00,599 question Steve the Indian 1054 00:46:54,159 --> 00:47:03,480 betrayal um for the folks joining us in 1055 00:47:00,599 --> 00:47:06,960 the room that have a lot of experience 1056 00:47:03,480 --> 00:47:10,800 with with meetings and with the township 1057 00:47:06,960 --> 00:47:16,358 i' just like to ask that 1058 00:47:10,800 --> 00:47:17,800 um you you ladies and attorney here uh 1059 00:47:16,358 --> 00:47:21,960 help the 1060 00:47:17,800 --> 00:47:24,920 team um by being a bit of a rock and I 1061 00:47:21,960 --> 00:47:27,400 think his support and of course Herman 1062 00:47:24,920 --> 00:47:31,280 too um speak up 1063 00:47:27,400 --> 00:47:34,800 to help just to help everyone get off to 1064 00:47:31,280 --> 00:47:38,760 a good start um the other thing that I 1065 00:47:34,800 --> 00:47:42,440 would like clarification on um 1066 00:47:38,760 --> 00:47:45,119 Chris do does anybody know what the 1067 00:47:42,440 --> 00:47:47,358 liaison between the board and the 1068 00:47:45,119 --> 00:47:52,960 Planning Commission is supposed to 1069 00:47:47,358 --> 00:47:56,078 do because I've never seen any evidence 1070 00:47:52,960 --> 00:47:58,880 of any kind of cross communication so 1071 00:47:56,079 --> 00:48:02,318 I'm just curious for myself like Kurt 1072 00:47:58,880 --> 00:48:05,838 Schultz used to be the ex Le aison right 1073 00:48:02,318 --> 00:48:08,119 and what did he do well I never saw any 1074 00:48:05,838 --> 00:48:13,519 communication between the two and so I'm 1075 00:48:08,119 --> 00:48:15,800 just trying to figure out I never really 1076 00:48:13,519 --> 00:48:18,920 understood the usefulness of that 1077 00:48:15,800 --> 00:48:22,039 position not that it can't be I just it 1078 00:48:18,920 --> 00:48:25,240 it can be useful and the bylaws do talk 1079 00:48:22,039 --> 00:48:28,159 about uh each of the positions and there 1080 00:48:25,239 --> 00:48:30,279 should be um communication and report 1081 00:48:28,159 --> 00:48:32,639 outs as well that Kurt should have been 1082 00:48:30,280 --> 00:48:34,480 giving for example here to the board 1083 00:48:32,639 --> 00:48:37,440 after the Planning Commission they've 1084 00:48:34,480 --> 00:48:39,440 taken they took the The Stance to 1085 00:48:37,440 --> 00:48:41,760 sometimes forward those minutes by the 1086 00:48:39,440 --> 00:48:44,639 secretary and things of that nature 1087 00:48:41,760 --> 00:48:46,440 which is was fine for the old one but we 1088 00:48:44,639 --> 00:48:49,279 one of the things that we weren't able 1089 00:48:46,440 --> 00:48:51,039 to talk about today was doing that so 1090 00:48:49,280 --> 00:48:53,160 hopefully we'll get a chance to talk 1091 00:48:51,039 --> 00:48:56,079 those things in the future on our thing 1092 00:48:53,159 --> 00:48:58,879 that says Planning Commission update or 1093 00:48:56,079 --> 00:49:02,039 report yeah we used to we have a 1094 00:48:58,880 --> 00:49:05,000 Planning Commission member that sits on 1095 00:49:02,039 --> 00:49:08,960 the zba as well okay 1096 00:49:05,000 --> 00:49:10,679 and that person would keep the Z we 1097 00:49:08,960 --> 00:49:13,079 would have conversation at the end of 1098 00:49:10,679 --> 00:49:16,358 our zba meeting with the Planning 1099 00:49:13,079 --> 00:49:18,160 Commission rep about what was going on 1100 00:49:16,358 --> 00:49:21,239 with the Planning Commission and then 1101 00:49:18,159 --> 00:49:22,519 the zba would also say hey you guys need 1102 00:49:21,239 --> 00:49:27,279 to look at this 1103 00:49:22,519 --> 00:49:29,358 ordinance we got we had some trouble 1104 00:49:27,280 --> 00:49:33,720 clarifying what's going on we need to 1105 00:49:29,358 --> 00:49:36,159 clar that that red book when it was 1106 00:49:33,719 --> 00:49:38,919 first adopted in the in the late 1107 00:49:36,159 --> 00:49:40,879 90s uh I mean it went through a lot of 1108 00:49:38,920 --> 00:49:43,318 revisions for that very reason right 1109 00:49:40,880 --> 00:49:44,838 there the zba was constantly going back 1110 00:49:43,318 --> 00:49:49,480 to the Planning Commission saying you 1111 00:49:44,838 --> 00:49:50,798 guys we need to fix this so there should 1112 00:49:49,480 --> 00:49:54,119 be 1113 00:49:50,798 --> 00:49:57,199 communication between that board rep and 1114 00:49:54,119 --> 00:49:59,680 the board they sit on 1115 00:49:57,199 --> 00:50:01,639 yeah and vice versa yeah and it makes I 1116 00:49:59,679 --> 00:50:04,399 mean it makes sense and that's what 1117 00:50:01,639 --> 00:50:06,679 every time I come to a meeting or you 1118 00:50:04,400 --> 00:50:09,318 know split time between both meetings 1119 00:50:06,679 --> 00:50:11,399 it's like I I never heard any 1120 00:50:09,318 --> 00:50:13,558 consistency in communication so that's 1121 00:50:11,400 --> 00:50:15,240 why I kind of want to hear what you it's 1122 00:50:13,559 --> 00:50:18,440 one of the top things on our list and we 1123 00:50:15,239 --> 00:50:20,919 also talked about too uh maybe having a 1124 00:50:18,440 --> 00:50:22,639 joint board and Planning Commission 1125 00:50:20,920 --> 00:50:24,599 meeting for example that's something in 1126 00:50:22,639 --> 00:50:27,719 the future that we can discuss and talk 1127 00:50:24,599 --> 00:50:29,599 about you know what as as that the level 1128 00:50:27,719 --> 00:50:33,279 of importance of that comes 1129 00:50:29,599 --> 00:50:36,318 up anyways congratulations everybody and 1130 00:50:33,280 --> 00:50:40,599 I'm I'm hopeful that you're going to be 1131 00:50:36,318 --> 00:50:40,599 successful so thank you thanks 1132 00:50:43,318 --> 00:50:46,759 Ste anybody 1133 00:50:50,039 --> 00:50:57,880 else come on J you know you want to 1134 00:50:54,599 --> 00:50:59,838 stop well um again and Janette Retta 1135 00:50:57,880 --> 00:51:01,838 proud Tyrone Township president I really 1136 00:50:59,838 --> 00:51:03,960 am I love this this Township and I'm 1137 00:51:01,838 --> 00:51:06,279 happy to be here um one thing I just 1138 00:51:03,960 --> 00:51:08,119 want to bring up quickly and I wasn't 1139 00:51:06,280 --> 00:51:09,798 going to I thought maybe it was going to 1140 00:51:08,119 --> 00:51:12,680 be a bit of a longer meeting but looks 1141 00:51:09,798 --> 00:51:15,480 like it's going to be short so um on 1142 00:51:12,679 --> 00:51:17,440 November 25th Dr Remington Neville the 1143 00:51:15,480 --> 00:51:19,920 medical director for the St Clair County 1144 00:51:17,440 --> 00:51:22,000 Health Department Department authored a 1145 00:51:19,920 --> 00:51:24,480 paper addressing public health risks 1146 00:51:22,000 --> 00:51:26,838 associated with industrial solar plants 1147 00:51:24,480 --> 00:51:28,400 and data centers I plan on presenting in 1148 00:51:26,838 --> 00:51:29,719 this to the Planning Commission but it's 1149 00:51:28,400 --> 00:51:32,798 something that the board should know 1150 00:51:29,719 --> 00:51:35,439 about also in his seven-page report he 1151 00:51:32,798 --> 00:51:37,759 responded to public concerns raised uh 1152 00:51:35,440 --> 00:51:39,838 during a Board of Trustees meeting about 1153 00:51:37,760 --> 00:51:42,400 the potential Health impacts of these 1154 00:51:39,838 --> 00:51:44,519 facilities and as the medical director 1155 00:51:42,400 --> 00:51:47,400 he was tasked with investigating these 1156 00:51:44,519 --> 00:51:49,679 concerns again it was from St Clair um 1157 00:51:47,400 --> 00:51:51,559 he said this is an excerpt in my 1158 00:51:49,679 --> 00:51:53,159 professional medical opinion and based 1159 00:51:51,559 --> 00:51:55,240 upon my education training and 1160 00:51:53,159 --> 00:51:57,838 experience my review of the pertinent 1161 00:51:55,239 --> 00:51:59,838 facts and circumstances and then he says 1162 00:51:57,838 --> 00:52:02,000 uh under for the certification under 1163 00:51:59,838 --> 00:52:04,358 Public Act 233 that's the new law that 1164 00:52:02,000 --> 00:52:06,480 just went into effect he said 1165 00:52:04,358 --> 00:52:09,159 constitutes a potential public health 1166 00:52:06,480 --> 00:52:10,880 risk to the residents of St Clair County 1167 00:52:09,159 --> 00:52:13,159 and are therefore subject to local 1168 00:52:10,880 --> 00:52:16,838 public health oversight and action this 1169 00:52:13,159 --> 00:52:20,199 is huge for a medical uh director of a 1170 00:52:16,838 --> 00:52:22,039 county to say this so um there's much 1171 00:52:20,199 --> 00:52:24,118 more that he said in that paper it's 1172 00:52:22,039 --> 00:52:27,000 been widely circulated among all the 1173 00:52:24,119 --> 00:52:29,880 townships and townships in of livon 1174 00:52:27,000 --> 00:52:31,920 County um I strongly urge this board to 1175 00:52:29,880 --> 00:52:34,318 take note of his findings and consider 1176 00:52:31,920 --> 00:52:36,559 how they might apply to tyone Township 1177 00:52:34,318 --> 00:52:38,920 the actions taken by that St Clair 1178 00:52:36,559 --> 00:52:41,440 County Board and its medical director 1179 00:52:38,920 --> 00:52:44,159 are a testament to how residents can 1180 00:52:41,440 --> 00:52:46,519 affect change this paper was produced 1181 00:52:44,159 --> 00:52:49,159 because residents raised their voices at 1182 00:52:46,519 --> 00:52:51,358 a meeting and brought the concerns and 1183 00:52:49,159 --> 00:52:53,199 they were heard and action was taken 1184 00:52:51,358 --> 00:52:55,039 it's a powerful example of how a 1185 00:52:53,199 --> 00:52:57,719 community working together can help 1186 00:52:55,039 --> 00:53:00,079 ensure that the right steps are taken to 1187 00:52:57,719 --> 00:53:01,318 protect its residents so as I said I 1188 00:53:00,079 --> 00:53:03,760 will present it at the Planning 1189 00:53:01,318 --> 00:53:06,599 Commission and if anybody wants um a 1190 00:53:03,760 --> 00:53:08,200 copy of this seven page report um you 1191 00:53:06,599 --> 00:53:10,440 might want to re just contact me and 1192 00:53:08,199 --> 00:53:13,318 I'll send it to you um the other thing 1193 00:53:10,440 --> 00:53:15,599 that I'd like to say tonight is um the 1194 00:53:13,318 --> 00:53:17,480 audio in this room is horrible and 1195 00:53:15,599 --> 00:53:19,640 somebody needs I'm getting messages from 1196 00:53:17,480 --> 00:53:21,480 people that are saying can somebody do 1197 00:53:19,639 --> 00:53:22,920 something with the audio so can we 1198 00:53:21,480 --> 00:53:24,719 please look at I thought we had a 1199 00:53:22,920 --> 00:53:27,358 technical person that was hired or 1200 00:53:24,719 --> 00:53:29,759 talked about hiring them last board 1201 00:53:27,358 --> 00:53:31,920 meeting um I think it was 10 minutes 1202 00:53:29,760 --> 00:53:34,319 weren't recorded again I've got the 1203 00:53:31,920 --> 00:53:36,079 recording does the township want it I'm 1204 00:53:34,318 --> 00:53:38,880 happy to provide it to you for your 1205 00:53:36,079 --> 00:53:40,680 records um so I'd like to see that that 1206 00:53:38,880 --> 00:53:43,519 addressed and I'm just going to say to 1207 00:53:40,679 --> 00:53:45,440 any of the PE I know I'm directing to 1208 00:53:43,519 --> 00:53:47,239 you guys but for people in the audience 1209 00:53:45,440 --> 00:53:48,798 today if you heard a board member 1210 00:53:47,239 --> 00:53:51,039 mentioned something up here that didn't 1211 00:53:48,798 --> 00:53:53,759 get put on the agenda guess what here's 1212 00:53:51,039 --> 00:53:57,079 your time to step up and say something 1213 00:53:53,760 --> 00:54:00,880 and get it on on on the radar because 1214 00:53:57,079 --> 00:54:03,000 there's many things that need to be um 1215 00:54:00,880 --> 00:54:04,880 addressed um I feel like they could have 1216 00:54:03,000 --> 00:54:06,119 been just mentioned and discussed 1217 00:54:04,880 --> 00:54:08,559 tonight I don't know why there was 1218 00:54:06,119 --> 00:54:10,720 opposition to it but um we are working 1219 00:54:08,559 --> 00:54:14,000 with government and government works 1220 00:54:10,719 --> 00:54:16,838 slow slow slow slow it does not have to 1221 00:54:14,000 --> 00:54:21,798 be that way we can be an example we can 1222 00:54:16,838 --> 00:54:24,798 get things done so I do hope that um as 1223 00:54:21,798 --> 00:54:27,920 many of you campaigned on that Clarity 1224 00:54:24,798 --> 00:54:30,559 and transparency and that let's find a 1225 00:54:27,920 --> 00:54:32,960 way to get things done instead of 1226 00:54:30,559 --> 00:54:35,480 dragging our feet people are here they 1227 00:54:32,960 --> 00:54:39,599 want to see change okay thank you thank 1228 00:54:35,480 --> 00:54:39,599 you wish you all the best thank you 1229 00:54:42,719 --> 00:54:47,480 jet is that it anybody 1230 00:54:48,920 --> 00:54:54,880 else all 1231 00:54:51,760 --> 00:54:57,520 right well I'm looking for a uh motion 1232 00:54:54,880 --> 00:55:01,599 to adjourn so 1233 00:54:57,519 --> 00:55:01,599 support all in favor 1234 00:55:01,838 --> 00:55:09,480 I all right thank you for all being here 1235 00:55:07,000 --> 00:55:09,480 appreciate 1236 00:55:10,199 --> 00:55:15,239 it we just got a it's it's now 1237 00:55:15,440 --> 00:55:20,920 in to figure out how to get on the next 1238 00:55:19,159 --> 00:55:23,159 meeting 1239 00:55:20,920 --> 00:55:25,440 agenda what the process is I don't think 1240 00:55:23,159 --> 00:55:28,318 we need to vote to have things added to 1241 00:55:25,440 --> 00:55:28,318 each other 1242 00:55:28,840 --> 00:55:32,030 [Music] 1243 00:55:35,119 --> 00:55:39,760 was everybody that we were